Welcome To Our Float Plan for September 28, 2024
Directions and Locations
Our starting point will be in Widewater Bay just north of the no wake zone where you will check in and stage vessels for the flotilla
General Comments
We suspect that there could be some anti-Trumpers come out to harass us or otherwise disrupt our boat parade. If this happens, just keep on smiling and laughing and being respectful of the boating regulations! But, if you do encounter any vessel that is intentionally interfering with the parade such as cutting across the flotilla or otherwise creating an unsafe condition, please call the Coast Guard immediately on VHF Channel 16. It is very important that all participants pay close attention to all navigation rules and to ensure that we do not impede other boating traffic and please be mindful of crab pots and fish traps along our route. We are expecting an awesome show!
Weather Parameters
We will advise all participants up to date weather conditions and tides. If the conditions appear to be unfavorable, we will consider canceling the parade in the event of a small craft advisory or inclement weather. We will cancel the event or change the
start time if there is an imminent threat of thunderstorms or some other unfavorable conditions, but not necessarily hazardous conditions. In any case if we need to cancel, we will look at rescheduling on a new date.
Safety Plan:
We will encourage all participants to boat safely and follow navigational rules. If anyone is seen acting in an unsafe or unlawful way, they will be hailed on the VHF radio to correct their actions and if that does not work, the U.S. Coast Guard and/or local marine police will be notified of the behavior. We will have experienced and responsible boaters who will be dispersed throughout the parade and have volunteered to be safety patrol. They will watch out for unsafe conduct by any boaters and if they observe same, they will call them on it and asked to leave the Flotilla if necessary. Jet skies and wave runners must follow all the rules and regulations of the flotilla and will not be allowed to dart in and out between vessels.